Vote in our Album of the Year Poll

Written by on December 19, 2021

The search for Celtic Music Radio’s Album of the Year is under way.

A strong list of contenders – all graced the Album of the Week slot over the year – has been compiled and now we are looking for listeners’ votes.

The top album will be revealed in a special, four-hour programme that starts at midday on Monday, December 27.

Presenters Ross Macfadyen, Nikki Lyle, John Joe MacNeil, Colm Keegan and Kate Reid will host the show and play tracks from the albums in the running for the top title.

The winner will be revealed and interviewed in the final hour.

“The first Album of the Year proved extremely popular and a great success,” said Alex Jenkins, chair of the station’s board of directors.

“We wish all acts in the running well and I’m sure this programme will be a festive schedule highlight.”

Voting is now open here:

Last year, singer/songwriter, Elaine Lennon’s self-titled debut album emerged as the first-ever winner.

The Album of the Year – Monday, December 27 between noon and 4 pm.

Voting is now open here:

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