Travels With Auntie Liz – Special Guest Oscar McLennan

Written by on December 9, 2024

Snow on the River is a stunning collection of instrumental pieces written after the death of composer Oscar McLennan’s son.

The 20-track album was written in close collaboration with Martin Tourish, who also produced and arranged it.

Almost 30 musicians and singers from Italy, Ireland and Scotland appear on the album, which features Will McNicol on acoustic guitar.

Oscar, an ex-pat Scot now living in Italy with his family, came from punk to folk music-by chance back in the 70’s and has never looked back.

He will be talking about his musical journey and this very special album with Liz Clark – aka Auntie Liz – on Tuesday evening from 8 pm.


TRAVELS WITH AUNTIE LIZ – with special guest Oscar McLennan – 8 – 10 pm, Tuesday, December 10.

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