Sounds Irish

Scheduled on

Sunday 04:00 06:00
CC Sunday 02:00 04:00
Monday 22:00 00:00

Since 2015 David has presented ‘Sounds Irish’ which is produced by his wife Anne Marie.

The show has featured music, news, interviews and recorded concerts featuring many of the major stars of Irish Country and new emerging artists.

Since 2015 David has presented ‘Sounds Irish’ which is produced by his wife Anne Marie.

The show has featured music, news, interviews and recorded concerts featuring many of the major stars of Irish Country and new emerging artists.

Regular features in the show include Anne Marie’s Val Doonican track, the ‘Trad. with Pad’ spot where Paddy Callaghan from Comhaltas in Glasgow picks two traditional tracks for the show, and the final straight which always starts with a Saw Doctors track.

David and ‘Sounds Irish’ continues at the forefront of promoting Irish Country Music in Glasgow, Scotland, Ireland and around the world.

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