Folk n Stuff – Celtic Music Radio

Folk n Stuff

Scheduled on

Tuesday 16:00 18:00

FOLKnSTUFF is mainly about folk music however the debate about what is and what is not folk music is one that has been going on for years and unlikely to be resolved soon.

For the record FOLK Music is anything that the Producer, Hugh Taylor, chooses to play on FOLKnSTUFF. There wasn’t that easy.

FOLKnSTUFF is mainly about folk music however the debate about what is and what is not folk music is one that has been going on for years and unlikely to be resolved soon.

For the record FOLK Music is anything that the Producer, Hugh Taylor, chooses to play on FOLKnSTUFF. There wasn’t that easy.

You are likely to hear Traditional Folk, unaccompanied singing, Folk Rock, Bluegrass, Old Timey and music veering dangerously close to Country. Blues, Music Hall and on occasion some poetry and much, much more. Occasionally, if Hugh decides to play random far out stuff, like Pavarotti singing Nessum Dorma, there’s that wonderful Genre, mentioned in the title. Stuff!

There’s no fixed format. One week could be an entire show of new releases, the next a feature on a particular band or musician, or as is becoming far too common, an obituary show. Or it could be just a random selection of some of Hugh’s favourite tracks from the past sixty plus years or a selection chosen at random from his extensive library and sort of thrown together.

So go on, give FOLKnSTUFF a listen. You know it makes sense. You can even request a favourite track by emailing Hugh.

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