Ceilidh Kidd

Scheduled on

Sunday 10:00 12:00
CC Thursday 00:00 01:00
CC Sunday 10:00 12:00
CC Wednesday 20:00 21:00

Join The Ceilidh Kidd on Sunday mornings for some braw music and fun to get your sausages sizzling.

We'll have great tunes, sing-songs, a chance to learn some Gaelic and the odd wee poem, with plenty ceilidh music to stop you napping and get your toes tapping.

Send your requests and birthday messages to ian.kidd@celticmusicradio.net.  Do it now!

Join The Ceilidh Kidd on Sunday mornings for some braw music and fun to get your sausages sizzling.

We’ll have great tunes, sing-songs, a chance to learn some Gaelic and the odd wee poem, with plenty ceilidh music to stop you napping and get your toes tapping.

Send your requests and birthday messages to ian.kidd@celticmusicradio.net.  Do it now!

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Ceilidh Kidd crew

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