Radio Listenship Survey

Written by on February 12, 2021

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), is conducting a review of the radio industry. They are very interested in learning more about who tunes in to community radio stations like Celtic Music Radio, and about when and why they listen.

We’d like as many of our listeners as possible to be represented in the review.

Therefore, could you please complete this short surbey and mention you listen to Celtic Music Radio! It will not take more than about 15 minutes to do.

The responses received will only be used for research and analysis purposes. All the information submitted is strictly confidential. Respondents will not be contacted by any third parties and will not receive any marketing material as a result of completing this survey.

To answer the questions in the survey, be sure to scroll right down to the bottom of the page in order to click ‘Next’ to move onto the next question.

As a thank you, anyone* who completes the questionnaire before 23:59 on Sunday 21st February 2021 , will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win one of twenty £50 Amazon vouchers.

  • Aged 18+ UK only. See terms and conditions at the end of the survey.
  • The prizes are organised by DCMS, NOT Celtic Music Radio

The survey link is here:

We thank you in anticipation for taking part, and your support of Celtic Music Radio.

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