Susan Jenkins/Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a unique form of bodywork that has shown tremendous benefit in treating a range of conditions.

It is based on the work of the late Tom Bowen, who found that by restoring balance to the tissues of the body, the underlying cause of many health or pain problems could be addressed and the body would be able to heal itself.

Rather than being imposed from an external source, the key principle of Bowen is that the body is capable of repairing itself, given the right time and conditions.

Bowen therapy treats the cause of medical conditions and pain rather than working on the symptoms.

It consistently offers deep, long lasting healing and pain relief, reduced stress, greater mobility, control of inflammation or swelling and improved physical and emotional wellbeing.

Sometimes instant changes can be felt at the time of the treatment. More often, however, adjustments and changes occur in the days following treatment.

Tel: 07999 090404


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