Nikki At Noon – With Special Songwriter Guest Elaine Lennon

Written by on December 4, 2022

Award-winning Scottish singer/songwriter, Elaine Lennon is Nikki’s guest on Monday (December 5).

Award-winning Elaine has released a Christmas single with Children of Holy Cross Primary in Croy, titled “Christmas Time’ – and it is currently at number 15 on the iTunes singles chart.

She wrote it pre-lockdown, recorded it in her own home with pupils from Holy Cross and it features her 11-year-old son on drums. One of the school singers designed the record’s artwork as well.

“We’ll have loads to chat about as there is a great buzz about this Christmas song,” said Nikki. “Looking forward to having Elaine on the show very much, indeed.”

• Nikki At Noon – with singer/songwriter Elaine Lennon, midday, Monday, December 5.


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