Hamish Douglas Burgess

Hamish Douglas Burgess shows

Hamish Burgess’ weekly show based in Maui, Hawaii, plays 2 hours of the best Celtic music from around the planet.

Hamish travels to many countries interviewing musicians for the program and often has interview clips with the top traditional Celtic musicians and folk singers, such as the late Liam Clancy, George Millar of The Irish Rovers, Paddy Moloney, Carlos Nunez, and many more.

He often does themed shows, where he talks about the traditions of the Celtic people and the music, including the Celtic festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice.

From an Old Aberdeen Scottish family, Hamish Douglas Burgess grew up in Cornwall, UK, and now lives on the island of Maui, where he has promoted Scottish culture for the last 18 years.

He is the owner of Maui Celtic, a Celtic goods retail company as well as an organization which is a cross-cultural link for music events, genealogy, Celtic art and heritage.

The show is sponsored by The Irish Rovers, happy to help Hamish play the best in Celtic music worldwide.

Email Hamish: hamish@mauiceltic.com

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