John Joe MacNeil Live – With Guests Rachel Hair and Càrnan
Written by celtic music radio on March 28, 2022

John Joe MacNeil Live today (Monday, March 28) welcomes internationally renowned harp player, Rachel Hair plus Louden Mackay and Arthur Brook from upcoming Scottish folk/trad band Càrnan.
Rachel Hair will be chatting about the 41st Edinburgh International Harp Festival, which runs from April 8 – 12 after a two-year gap.
It is the first Hybrid Festival in a new Edinburgh venue of George Watson’s College so Rachel will be talking about that and, of course, her appearance at this prestige event.
With their debut single, ‘Calmac Kenny’ recently released, Càrnan’s Arthur Brook and Louden Mackay’s musical style and the influences behind it will be discussed.
“To have such talented guests on the show is real a treat,” said John Joe. “We will have a lot to talk about.
“A’ coimhead air adhart ris gu mòr.”
You can get in touch with John Joe by email: or via social media.
John Joe MacNeil Live – Monday evenings from 6 pm