John Joe MacNeil Live – With Guests Beth Malcolm and James Mackenzie

Written by on April 4, 2022


John Joe MacNeil Live today (Monday, April 4) welcomes two Scottish musicians pleased to be emerging from the restrictions of the past two years.

Edinburgh-based singer-songwriter and pianist Beth Malcolm has been singing in sessions and providing backing vocals on other artists’ recordings but is looking forward to touring and recording her debut album.

James Mackenzie, who’s from Inverness, has played some live shows recently and others are in the pipeline. His album “Shoulders” came out three years ago so he’ll be chatting about future plans, including new gig dates.

“Once again, my guests and I will have loads to talk about,” said John Joe. “And we will play some of their marvellous music as well.

“A’ coimhead air adhart ris gu mòr.”

You can get in touch with John Joe by email: or via social media.
John Joe MacNeil Live – Monday evenings from 6 pm


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