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  People are voting in our poll to find the station’s Album of the Year for 2024. And the winner will be revealed in a special, music-packed, four-hour Album of the Year Show that starts at midday on Boxing Day (Thursday, December 26) presented by Auntie Liz Clark, Hugh Taylor, Martin Stephen Jones and Ian […]

  The Celtic Music Radio search for our Album of the Year for 2024 is under way. The list of contenders is terrific and the quality of the music is outstanding – so that makes the contest wide open. Our listeners’ votes are the ones that count and they will lead us to the top […]

School choruses are providing some cracking festive sounds on the station’s programmes between now and December 25. Pupils from more than 20 schools in North and South Lanarkshire, Glasgow, East Renfrewshire – and even one from Liverpool – have recorded sparkling tracks for presenters to play in addition to the more standard songs popular at […]

Snow on the River is a stunning collection of instrumental pieces written after the death of composer Oscar McLennan’s son. The 20-track album was written in close collaboration with Martin Tourish, who also produced and arranged it. Almost 30 musicians and singers from Italy, Ireland and Scotland appear on the album, which features Will McNicol […]

  The final Album of the Week for 2024 is this extraordinary collection of seasonal music from The Tannahill Weavers, a band that’s been a stalwart of the Scottish traditional scene since the 1970s. SOLSTICE displays the exceptional depth of their talents in creating imaginative ways to treat well known melodies. The band said: “Our […]

  This self-released album is well timed as it has traditional Christmas Songs that the duo have been performing over the years, along with some new material. “It’s a snapshot of the winter season and the traditions that we cherish, the stories that we tell, to see us through the colder months,” say the award-winning […]

Celtic Music Radio has been named as one of the top 100 stations in the UK for the number of followers it has attracted. The Top TuneIn free streaming service industry survey out today shows us in 91st place with 48,293 followers. It is a remarkable achievement considering 560 stations are on the list, which […]

  From his roots in traditional piping to composer of world music Ross Ainslie has created a formidable body of work and he’s strengthened it with Pool, his sixth solo release. Ross, who is widely admired for his solo and work with orchestras, said the 12-track collection is the last in a series of three […]

  TALISK are among the most in-demand folk-based groups to emerge from Scotland in the last decade or more. The chart-toppers have toured the world, stacking up major awards for their explosively energetic, ground-breaking and enthralling music. Three hugely accomplished musicians, three craftsmen with a bold and captivating approach to album and live music – […]

  Contemporary traditional Scottish/Irish trio APE HOUSE fill their self-titled album with a lively, energetic and expressive sound. Lachie Robinson (guitar/vocals), Wallace Calvert (concertina/cello) and Craig Harrison (fiddle/bodhràn) came together through Trad sessions in Glasgow, where they all studied as students. No longer all living in the same city, and away from the relative freedom […]

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