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  Ainsley Hamill’s much anticipated third album FABLE – launched at Celtic Connections this year – is a sublime and memorable collection of songs inspired by Scottish folklore and myth. Ainsley’s musical output is deeply influenced by the cultural heritage of Scotland and a profound love for both Scottish Gaelic and Scots songs. In this […]

Boo and Yvonne Singer/songwriters Yvonne Lyon and Boo Hewerdine are releasing an album titled, Things Found in Books, on March 28. And they will be telling Ian Oliphant all about it on the Lunchtime Selection today at midday. In Culzean Castle’s second-hand bookshop hangs a notice board that collects the store’s greatest stories including lost […]

Former Scottish rugby international, BBC Radio Scotland broadcaster and musician, John Beattie, is Moira Kerr’s guest on her Sounds Celtic show this week. The chat – and a terrific selection of music – will take place between 10 am and midday.   • Sounds Celtic – with Moira Kerr – 10 am to noon, with […]

  When award-winning Dean Owens launched SPIRIT RIDGE at Celtic Connections in Glasgow he won a well-deserved standing ovation at the end of the final song – and no wonder. This is a deeply personal collection that reflects in a gently dramatic manner his links with lush Italian hills, the US desert states as well […]

Donald WG Lindsay   The guest on today’s edition of the Lunchtime Selection is Donald WG Lindsay of Lindstruments. Donald, who developed the Lindsay System Chanter for Scottish small pipes, played at the National Piping Centre along with Alasdair Roberts during Celtic Connections earlier this year. He is in the process of recording an album […]

Christine Sparks new album is Love Yourself Wildly. Ross talks to Christine & John Sparks from 5pm this Saturday, 8th March. From Christine’s website I could tell you what I do. I would rather tell you who I am and what I am for. My name is Christine Sparks, and I am an artist. It […]

  The Heilan’ Coo Boys join Ian Oliphant on this Wednesday’s Lunchtime Selection to chat about their latest album. The duo – Linton Osborne (ex-Nazareth lead singer) and John Ford on lead guitar – have just released Whiskey & Din, their 2nd album. Ian said: “The single from the album ‘Whisky Makes Me Dance’ has […]

Celtic Music Radio will be at the heart of the Glasgow St Patrick’s Day Festival Family Fun Day in the city’s Merchant Square on Saturday with a live, five-hour fund-raising broadcast, starting at noon. The Festival, in conjunction with Tourism Ireland, presents a family celebration with music, song and dance – and our team of […]

REITIR play the songs of Robert Burns translated into the Norwegian dialect from West-Telemark. Their collection includes beloved melodies like Auld Lang Syne, My Love is Like a Red Red Rose, and Ae Fond Kiss plus up-beat songs like Rigs o’ Barley & Tibbie Dunbar, as well as energetic Scottish dance tunes. Aasmund Nordstoga – […]

GARY KERR   Gary Kerr from Paisley-based LNP Promotions is a special guest on Gerry’s Jukebox today. Gary, chair and treasurer of LNP Promotions, will be talking all about exciting news on the Paisley music scene. This includes a move to bring live music to Re:Hope, one of Paisley’s best kept secrets. Gary reckons it […]

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