Album of The Week

  Ainsley Hamill’s much anticipated third album FABLE – launched at Celtic Connections this year – is a sublime and memorable collection of songs inspired by Scottish folklore and myth. Ainsley’s musical output is deeply influenced by the cultural heritage of Scotland and a profound love for both Scottish Gaelic and Scots songs. In this […]

  When award-winning Dean Owens launched SPIRIT RIDGE at Celtic Connections in Glasgow he won a well-deserved standing ovation at the end of the final song – and no wonder. This is a deeply personal collection that reflects in a gently dramatic manner his links with lush Italian hills, the US desert states as well […]

Christine Sparks new album is Love Yourself Wildly. Ross talks to Christine & John Sparks from 5pm this Saturday, 8th March. From Christine’s website I could tell you what I do. I would rather tell you who I am and what I am for. My name is Christine Sparks, and I am an artist. It […]

REITIR play the songs of Robert Burns translated into the Norwegian dialect from West-Telemark. Their collection includes beloved melodies like Auld Lang Syne, My Love is Like a Red Red Rose, and Ae Fond Kiss plus up-beat songs like Rigs o’ Barley & Tibbie Dunbar, as well as energetic Scottish dance tunes. Aasmund Nordstoga – […]

  This is the fifth duo album from The Quiggs and it’s a vibrant mix of old and new songs, a few traditional, a couple of self-penned ones and songs by other songwriters past and present. It’s a collection – recorded at Kevock Digital Studio with Ian McCalman behind the desk – offering strong melodies […]

  The journey to MotherLand has been a long one that started for Daria Kulesh with her debut album Eternal Child released 10 years ago this month. MotherLand is her first, full-length, solo album since 2019 and it’s a product of surviving lockdowns as a new mum, a visceral reaction to our increasingly unstable and […]

Originally from the windswept islands of the Outer Hebrides he penned his first song at the age of 65. Norman Paterson’s latest release, “Loved”, delivers a heartfelt dive into Celtic folk and blues traditions, capturing the very essence of Scottish romance and storytelling in his third album released in just over a year. Paterson’s music […]

  The final Album of the Week for 2024 is this extraordinary collection of seasonal music from The Tannahill Weavers, a band that’s been a stalwart of the Scottish traditional scene since the 1970s. SOLSTICE displays the exceptional depth of their talents in creating imaginative ways to treat well known melodies. The band said: “Our […]

  This self-released album is well timed as it has traditional Christmas Songs that the duo have been performing over the years, along with some new material. “It’s a snapshot of the winter season and the traditions that we cherish, the stories that we tell, to see us through the colder months,” say the award-winning […]

  From his roots in traditional piping to composer of world music Ross Ainslie has created a formidable body of work and he’s strengthened it with Pool, his sixth solo release. Ross, who is widely admired for his solo and work with orchestras, said the 12-track collection is the last in a series of three […]

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