Album Of The Week – John Alexander ‘Face The Wind’

Written by on March 2, 2024



Glasgow-based JOHN ALEXANDER is a fine songwriter and first-class guitarist and the Scot is in glorious form on his latest release, Face The Wind.

It’s an 11-track gem that’s lyrically rich and hearteningly melodic – an experience for the listener that’s never less than classy and rewarding.

Songs written after wet and windy walks to the pub or from a random word generator challenge, John delivers troubled but uplifting songs with his trademark no-nonsense, downbeat vocals and delicious, atmospheric guitar work.

Produced by Boo Hewerdine and featuring Iona Macdonald (Doghouse Roses) on vocals, John’s latest collection amplifies his astute storytelling, while delivering weather beaten songs that are both topical and thought-provoking.

John will be talking with Mike Ritchie about his music and music making in our Album of the Week Show today at midday.




• Album of the Week Show – John Alexander in conversation with Mike Ritchie – Saturday, March 2 – 12 to 1 pm.

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