Album of the Week – Davie Anderson ‘Ballantrae Bound’

Written by on February 24, 2024


This bold 15-track release from Ayrshire singer/songwriter and guitarist Davie Anderson is a vivid collection with influences as diverse as Burns, Holly and Big Country.

Ballantrae Bound includes several offerings from the pen of Robert Burns, one from Ewan McColl, Jim McLean’s ‘Stirling Brig’ and many of Davie’s own compositions.

Davie, who is from a farming background and grew up in a musical household that formed the bedrock of his career. is in great demand as a musician, playing in folk clubs, at festivals, pubs and clubs throughout Scotland as well as touring America, Northern Spain and appearing at the famous annual St Andrew’s Night whisky dinners in Bavaria.

As well as his own songs Davie has set to music ‘The Sutor’s o’Maybole,’ a poem by The Rev Roderick Lawson, and collaborated with the legendary Gordon Menzies of Gaberlunzie to record ‘The Dunes of Dunkirk.’

The title track to this eagerly awaited album is an evocative, original song by Davie that conjures up memories of the surviving section of the Old Coach Road from the ruined steading of Kilranny, south of Girvan, to the village of Lendalfoot and the views across to Ailsa Craig, Arran and the Mull of Kintyre.

Davie isn’t boxed in by a particular genre as he dips into Trad, folk, Americana, blues, rockabilly, Indie, or as he says: “a bit of everything really.”

He will be in conversation with Hugh Taylor on our latest Album of the Week Show on Saturday, February 24 at midday. •

Album of the Week Show – Davie Anderson with Hugh Taylor – Saturday, February 24, 2024 – 12 to 1 pm.

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