Album of the Week – Claire Hastings ‘Lullabies From Scotland’

Written by on September 2, 2023

Becoming a mum played a major part in Glasgow-based folk singer/songwriter Claire Hastings’ decision to embark on her latest heartfelt musical project.

Lullabies For Scotland – her third solo album release – is the result of Claire’s studies of Scottish lullabies for a collection that includes one self-penned song.

Claire, whose Music Club provides workshops for under 5s and their families online and in person in Glasgow, is expecting her second child.

She will be discussing the new record with Auntie Liz Clark at midday today (Saturday, September 2) on our Album of the Week Show.

• Album of the Week Show – Claire Hastings in conversation with Liz Clark – midday – Saturday, September 2.



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