Album of the Week – Michell, Pfeiffer & Kulesh ‘Flowers’

Written by on August 24, 2024


This talented trio of unique female voices from three different cultures rise in sublime harmony to present their full-length, debut album.

Flowers carries powerful stories that have moved people across borders, languages and times.

It’s a rich, multilingual record that features a strong theme of female empowerment and a heartfelt plea for peace.

Flowers has been described as an album for our times that’s rooted in timeless tradition.

Odette Michell, Karen Pfeiffer and Daria Kulesh – from England, Germany and Russia, respectively – contribute not only their voices and stunning arrangements but also their multi-instrumental skills including bouzouki, guitar, accordion, bodhran, shruti box, percussion and woodwind (Irish flute and recorders).

Hugh Taylor will be chatting with them today on this week’s edition of the Album of the Week Show, starting at midday.

 • ALBUM OF THE WEEK SHOW – Michell, Pfeiffer & Kulesh in conversation with Hugh Taylor – 12 noon.

Michell, Pfeiffer & Kulesh

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