Album of the Week – Anton O’Donnell ‘Tomber Sur PRW’

Written by on November 11, 2023


Glasgow native Anton O’Donnell didn’t stray far from home when it came to finding a title for his cracking debut solo album.

‘Tomber Sur PRW’ is ‘Falling On PRW’ when translated into English and PRW is Paisley Road West, the name of the street where The Colts’ front man lives.

The music he loves embraces blues, country, folk, rock’n’roll and all glow and flow through this potent nine-track offering with Anton’s smoky, whisky-soaked vocals demanding attention.

Anton feels the record is, in some ways, a commentary on modern life and the way you can fall for all its noise and forces.

He will be talking all about it with Liz Clark on our Album of the Week Show today at midday.

• ALBUM OF THE WEEK SHOW – Anton O’Donnell in conversation with Auntie Liz Clark – 12- 1 pm – Saturday, November 11, 2023.


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