Songwriter Bob’s Track Gets Transatlantic Treatment

Written by on June 24, 2021

Station presenter Bob Leslie is pleased that one of his songs is to appear on the next album by popular Canadian musician, Brad Tuck.

The song is ‘Lands o the Sioux and the Cree’ that features on Bob’s 2019 release, The Barren Fig.
Bob, who released his fifth album In Praise Of Crows earlier this year, said the track is about two young Orcadian lads who’ve turned their backs on working for the local laird and have signed up with the Hudson Bay Company, and are leaving in the morning.

“It’s great when fellow musicians appreciate your songs and Brad is an excellent songwriter himself, so that makes it even more of a compliment that he’s chosen to record one of mine,” said Bob, who presents Transatlantic Conversations every Sunday on Celtic Music Radio.

“I don’t have a release date or a name for Brad’s album, but I am sure he’ll do a great job with it. He told me he has an arrangement basically completed and he chose the song because of the lyrics and the vocal melodies which, he says, really stood out when he first heard it.”

Brad, as well as being a solo artist and multi-instrumentalist, is also the drummer with popular Newfoundland Celtic folk-rock band Shanneyganock, who have been together, in various line-ups, for 27 years.

• Transatlantic Conversations with Bob Leslie, Sundays 2 to 4 pm.

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